Tuesday, July 14, 2009


i just do not know what i have to do right now, I asked him a simple request to make the music softer, and he got so worked up! its like we don't even get a say in anything. Whenever we play our own music, he asks us to make it softer and we do, but when he makes his music super loud, he won't soften it, plus, he's like super duper mean to others, and he does not even have a heart now! I am still waiting, but it's just so hard, i wish that we could go back to the old days, and everyone can be happy about it, dose'nt he realise that we all led such a happier life when he followed JESUS? why can't he just turn away from the satanic stuff and come back to church? Why can't he realise how miserable he is without God? I mean really, look at us Christians, we are so happy and we have such a good life, WHY WHY WHY CAN't he just realise how sad and depressed we are, Like everyone is like so fustrated that he deos this kind of things, i just don't understand ?!
And i just really feel very troubled, no one actually understands my feelings, except from God, however, when Mark plays the Horrible music, even Not Horrible music, I feel really really stressed and depressed and angry and it's like i can go mad! I"M REALLY TROUBLED! i don't know what to do, how to react.
yesterday i felt the same way, and i was seriously really stressed! But i went to god in prayer, i asked him to help me overcome the feelings i felt, i read the bible and everything, he really helped me, but i need a sign, i'm losing my faith, help me, i need a sign, a miracle, i need help, it's like ever since mark changed, nothing has been the same, (my whole world's like topsy turvy) in a bad way. GOD PLEASE, ANYTHING WILL DO, i need you, and thanks for helping me out today, i feel so alone, like no one understands how i feel, but you understand don't you, you love him don't you? i know you do, God send me a sign, and guys readin this, God and his word really will help you, BELIEVE in him, just like i do.


mother said...

hey you. god works in ways we cannot see, but the bible promises you that all things will work out for good. he loves mark, he loves you. we're praying for him. take care lorraine.


(Guess my name) said...

hello don't worry too much ok im sure god will do something. like me, still waiting for my sister to transform back into a girl HAHA take care love u! ^^